Patrick Portet / Photographer


Patrick Portet / Photographer

Patrick says he is perhaps more of a "photomaniac" than a photographer...

Fascinated by the appearance of an image in a "magic" bath at the age of 5, Patrick discovered photography through the laboratory at the age of 16. This was followed by an
followed an apprenticeship that culminated in a diploma in 1968.
In the meantime Patrick had left the lab to discover photography.
From his first Foca to his last Nikon, out of profession, he shot everything that came within reach of his eye in order to share the beauty, the interest, the surprise...
Some exhibitions : " Stick Art " (photo collage under the pseudo Adrien de La Galère), " Le peuple minéral de la forêt de Fontainebleau " (rocks with animal or other shapes), " La patate " (monster potatoes),
personal or club exhibitions...


Opening times

All year round.